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Master Distiller
Lisa Roper Wicker

Currently the President & Head Distiller & Head Blender at Widow Jane Distillery
in Brooklyn, New York , Lisa Wicker is an incredibly experineced expert and consultant in the spirits industry. Her consulting work has impacted spirits made at George Washington 's Mount Vernon Distillery, Preservation Distillery in Bardstown, KY and Starlight Distillery in Stralight Indiana. Her background in production and fermentation in winemaking with vinyards such as Simmons Winery, Brown County Winery, White Moon Winery  gave a unique perspective to her whiskey making during her 2 years at Limestone Branch Distillery in Lebanon, KY.

Today, Lisa is owner and distiller of Saints and Monsters Distillery in Bardstown, KY and heads the Samson and Surrey team- Widow Jane, Philadelphia Distilling, Few Spirits, and Brenne whiskey- with her main focus on Widow Jane Distillery.  Her awards and projects continue to grow with each passing year. Some of her recent awards are as follows:

•Icons of Whiskey Master Distiller/Master Blender “Highly Commended” 2019
•Whiskies of the World 2019, Outstanding Gold, Best in Class..Widow Jane Five Barrel small batch 
•Whisky Advocate “90” 10 year five barrel small batch.
•”The Vaults” 14 year small batch released Fall 2019